Terrorists bring passports on domestic flights?? and drop them out of the plane? Or maybe it survived the inferno intact? Maybe its a super passport? http://www.cnn.com/2001/US/09/16/gen.america.under.attack/ Leaders urge 'normal' Monday after week of terror Bin Laden denies role in New York, Washington slaughter September 16, 2001 Posted: 7:07 p.m. EDT (2307 GMT) In New York, several blocks from the ruins of the World Trade Center, a passport authorities said belonged to one of the hijackers was discovered a few days ago, according to city Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik. That has prompted the FBI and police to widen the search area beyond the immediate crash site. A second person whom authorities were seeking as a material witness in the attacks was arrested Saturday and held in FBI custody in New York, a Justice Department official said. (Full story)